JUMP! get me to Bonnaroo FAQ

JUMP! Get me to Bonnaroo FAQ


Q: Can I enter more than once?

A: You can enter your name in the draw once per Post Malone Song. So, if you hear Post Malone 24x in one day, you could have 24 entries that day.

Q: I texted in 2 weeks ago, am I still in the draw?

A: Our qualifying resets after the first Grand Prize draw on Friday, April 12th a little after 5:00pm. If you texted before that, you’ll need to text in again when you hear a song to get in the draw again.

… And yes, you’ll have to text again if you text for Coachella.

Q: What if I text my name more than once during a song?

A: Only your first entry will be counted. The rest of your entries will be invalid and discarded.

Q: I don’t have a passport, can I still win?

A: You will need to have a valid passport in order to use the prize, so you better go and get that taken care ASAP!

Q: How old do I have to be to enter?

A: You must me 21 years of age or older.

Q: Are there any other requirement the winner should be aware of?

A: Yes! They must be legally able to travel Nashville, Tennessee, USA, and have any and all necessary documentation as may be required for presentation to Canadian and/or International customs and airport personnel and be available to travel from June 12, 2019 through June 17, 2019.

Q: I am a resident of Quebec, can I still play?

A: No, sorry! Only residents of Ontario are eligible to play this contest.