Food 4 Thought Festival

A is B – RISE Ottawa Cohort 3 is happy to present: FOOD4THOUGHT!!

Do you give a fork about the environment? Curious about food-related initiatives in Ottawa? Eager to connect with local volunteer opportunities? Interested in minimizing food waste and learning how to get the most out of your produce?

Please JOIN US on Sunday, May 26 from 10AM – 4PM at the Rideau-Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre (225 Donald St) & the Gil-O-Julien Park (201 Donald St) for a full day of workshops, volunteer opportunities, FREE FOOD, kids activities, and so much more!

All are welcome to attend! Come say hello, grab some popcorn, chat with our volunteers, and learn more about how we can make food more accessible in our communities.

**There will be a FOOD SWAP taking place throughout the day!
– Please bring any foods that you don’t want (unopened or in good quality) & swap them for those that you do! (or simply come take what you need)

This is a FREE, family-friendly event (kids are welcome)!!

Instagram: @AisBRISE_ott

Ps. Bring your own water bottle if possible

Food 4 Thought is a community project hosted by A is B – RISE Ottawa Cohort 3. If you are interested in volunteering, tabling, or hosting a workshop at the festival, please contact