JUMP! 106.9 wants to highlight
Important organizations in Ottawa!
Learn more on how you can support and get involved with these amazing organizations doing critical work to make our city a better and safer place to live!
Ottawa Chinese Commmunity Service Centre:
Support and donate to The OCCSC
Our Mission
The Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre (OCCSC) is a non-profit, non-partisan community-based organization committed to advancing the full social and economic integration and participation of newcomers, immigrants and refugees in Ottawa.
The Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre (OCCSC) provides settlement services for immigrants to Ottawa. We help find housing, employment, government services and provide English language training and family counselling services.
Learn more
African Canadian Association of Ottawa:
Support and donate to the ACAO
African Canadian Association of Ottawa (ACAO) is an umbrella organization for 53 African Community associations and ethno-cultural organizations. Through our members, ACAO serves nearly 65,000 of Ottawa’s black population, making ACAO the largest African descent organization in Canada. ACAO has volunteer board and vibrant committees who get the work done. Our mandate is to improve the lives of the black community in Ottawa through several events and programs.
- Community Development: Since, the pandemic began, ACAO has been distributing Relief food boxes free of charge to Ottawa’s most vulnerable population most impacted by the pandemic. So far more than 300 families have been served. We are grateful to to individuals and organizations that have donated to help put smiles on the faces of many hurting families.
- Mental Health Programs – We deliver mental health education and outreach for the black community. The pandemic and systemic issues have combined to present serious mental health challenges to the black community. Our workshops and education and support have been critical in these moments.
- Youth Programs: We are working with Boards of educations, the Ottawa Police, and other social service organizations to close the school to prison pipeline through tutoring and mentorship.
- Seniors Program: Our seniors’ programs are designed to break isolation, create companionship and mentorship. Our seniors are embodiment of wisdom and culture.
- African Centre Project: This is a project to acquire a space that will, in part, symbolize our struggles but also our promise. The space will also be partly museum and partly a business incubator hub for black own businesses and NGOs. Collectively we can make it happen in Canada.
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Cornerstone Housing for Women
Support and donate to Cornerstone
1000 women become homeless in Ottawa each year. Cornerstone Housing for Women provides support to over 200 women each day. We operate the largest women’s only shelter and supportive housing residence in our Ottawa where we promote dignity and a sense of hope through our uniquely tailored programs for women. We strive to increase safe, affordable housing and to end homelessness. You can give hope and dignity today by sending in a donation on www.cornerstonewomen.ca.
Learn more
Ottawa-Carleton Association for Persons with Developmental Disabilities
Support and donate to the OCAPDD
Founded in 1950, OCAPDD’s purpose is to support community integration and personal well-being of children and adults with developmental disabilities within the City of Ottawa & Cornwall.
OCAPDD provides support to hundreds of people with developmental disabilities, in every aspect of life; whether seeking work opportunities, securing living arrangements or dealing with day-to-day tasks. Since fully a third of the individuals supported by OCAPDD are also affected by physical disabilities and other medical considerations, the scope of the organization’s support is in direct response to the level of need, and there is a history of providing specialized service to individuals with ‘high medical needs’. Similarly, over half of the individuals supported present with a ‘dual diagnosis’ leading to OCAPDD developing approaches to respond to mental health concerns.
Service goals include:
- To provide each individual with a safe, enriched environment and the support necessary to function as independently as possible;
- To increase community access and integration;
- To ensure appropriate access to medical and other community resources;
- To help alleviate depression and anxiety;
- To increase independence and self confidence;
- To increase alternatives available to individuals;
- To support social participation and inclusion.