Canada Walks for Bladder Cancer presented by Pfizer and EMD Serono.
Bladder cancer is the 5th most common type of cancer in Canada. Currently there are
80,000+ Canadians living with a bladder cancer diagnosis and 12,500 will be diagnosed this
year. Bladder Cancer Canada is the first and only Canadian patient advocacy organization
dedicated to bladder cancer issues.
Join the 12th annual Canada Walks for Bladder Cancer on September 25, 2022. After 2
years as a virtual event, Canada Walks for Bladder Cancer is thrilled to be bring participants
back together to raise awareness and fundraise to support Bladder Cancers mission to:
• Help bladder cancer patients and their support teams address the day-to-day
issues of this disease
• Increase awareness of bladder cancer among the public and medical community
• Fund innovative research that pursues the diagnosis, treatment, and elimination
of bladder cancer.
All our programs and services are free thanks to the generosity of donors and participants.
Visit our website at
Participants can run on their treadmill, ride their bike, hike their favourite ravine,
or stroll their neighbourhood, all while raising money to support BCC’s patient
programs, awareness campaigns and research grants!
One of our Ottawa Bladder Cancer team members was lucky enough to have gone to the 1972 World Hockey competition where Henderson had the winning goal. As a result they came away with a signed hockey jersey by the entire team. It’s now been donated to help raise money for Bladder Cancer!
The jersey is being featured at the Petit Bistro on Wellington and the jersey will be posted on the Ottawa Bladder Cancer /Team Assphalt web page starting Sept 15. Where folks can go and bid on it.